Children & Youth:
Story Hour every Tuesday at 10:00 am. Books and activities are aimed toward preschool level, but all are welcome. If your daycare would like a traveling story time at your location (within Lee County), call the library and speak to the director.
Early-Out Activities at 1:30 pm are held every Central Lee School District scheduled Early Out. These activities are aimed toward elementary and middle school age groups, but all are welcome. Please let a librarian know if your child has any allergies each time they attend.
Summer Reading Program runs all of June and July each year. Each weekday (Monday- Friday), there will be an activity for the kids at 2:00 pm. Tuesdays at 10:00 am a reading discussion aimed for elementary and middle school aged children will be held at the same time as the preschool story hour. All are welcome.
Some special programs will be at different times. Notices of these activities will be on our website's calendar and posted on the Facebook's library page. Brochures will be given to the school for distribution and available at the library. We will be closed on July 4th for Independence day observation and no activities will be held that day. The theme for 2025 is Level Up at Your Library.
Teens & Adults:
Crafternoon is held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 3:30 pm. This class has been generously sponsored by the Montrose Health Center and will be hosted by Lee County Floral. There are 10 spots. Reserve your spot each month by calling the library.
Book Core is a book club held on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 pm. Speak to a librarian about what the current book being read for the next discussion. Many copies are ordered to meet the needs of all who wish to attend. All are welcome to join.
CARDS is held on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 1:00pm. All are welcome to attend. The group decides together what to play each meeting, so games vary. Registration is not required. Call the library or check Facebook for cancelations.
Art w/ Jerri Sparks will be held on the 1st Thursday of every other month through Feb of 2026 at 5:30pm. The goal of these classes is to offer the community opportunities to work with different art mediums. The Friends of the Donnellson Library have generously sponsored 10 spots for these classes. Call the library to reserve your spot. Registration is open for 8 weeks before each class.
If there were a class or activity, you would like to see the library do OR if you have a talent, you would like to share, discuss it with the library director.
All are welcome to attend any of the listed activities. If issues arise, we reserve the right for the librarian on duty to ask anyone causing what she disruption or disturbance, to leave. Thank you for respecting our library and all of it's patrons.